Spa Software - Effortlessly
manage your Hotel Spa Area

The Crqlar Spa Software will provide a smooth experience for your guests while managing your staff and facilities.
With an overview of your entire spa, booking for guests will be an enjoyable process.
Also, this is your all-in-one solution for managing a wide range of guest services at your hotel.
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5-star rating
trusted by the best Austrian hotels

All services in one system

Guests often miss out on the perfect spa treatment simply because they aren't aware of the full range of services your hotel offers. With our easy-to-use spa and service software, you can provide an overview of your services, not only personally, but also through a booking widget on your website or in your hotel guest app.
Crqlar spa software allows you to effortlessly categorize your services, wether they're related to wellness, beauty, massage, yoga, tai chi, medical spa, rental bike, or more...
Services can be set up in multiple languages to cater to your hotel’s guests in the language they speak.
Customize each service with ease. Add a name, and description, upload a service picture, and specify the service's duration in minutes.
Spa software by Crqlar for managing services, staff and facilities

Package Deals Made Simple

Offer package deals by designating services as individually bookable or part of a whole package. You can also select additional services that are part of these packages and set the number of staff members and facilities required to perform them.
Offer spa services as package deals

Managing Staff Members

Efficient planning is the backbone of any successful service, such as complex spa operations. Our spa software helps you manage staff schedules and service availability, seamlessly connecting both ends of the booking process. Guests can book their desired services without delays or confusion, thanks to a clear and efficient staff planning process. By offering a better guest experience through efficient staff management, your hotel can enhance its overall spa operations.
Spa software for managing staff members
Effortlessly add and manage staff members. Provide their first and last names, profile pictures, email addresses, and genders for a personalized touch.
Assign specific services to each staff member, ensuring that guests receive the expert care they deserve.
Flexible scheduling can help you to create versatile schedules for your staff, including repeating work hours and breaks on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis.
Always stay organized. Print staff agendas and schedules, keeping everyone on the same page and running your spa smoothly.
Facility Management with spa software Crqlar

Efficient Facility Management

Time is precious, especially in the spa business and in your hotel. Efficiently managing your spa facilities can significantly enhance the guest experience.
Keep track of cleaning schedules and available time slots seamlessly.
Through a widget on your website or in your hotel guest app, guests can easily book open slots without the need for additional coordination or availability checks. 
This means reduced wait times and a smoother experience for your guests. By simplifying your spa operations, our system ensures that every guest receives top-notch service.

Booking Widget Integration

We are offering easy integration of our booking widget on your website.
Choose whether to make specific service categories, certain services, or all services bookable through the widget.
Seamlessly Integrate the Booking Widget 
Customize the Widget
Tailor the widget to your hotel's branding. Choose colors that match your website, select font styles, and make it seamlessly blend into your online presence.
Crqlar spa software booking widget for website
Add a Terms and Conditions checkbox to the widget, ensuring your guests are well-informed and compliant.
Ask for a no-show credit card or charge the guest directly at the time of the booking through the widget on your website.

Booking Calendar

Easy Booking Navigation
Allow guests to effortlessly navigate your spa's and other offerings. They can select specific days and services to view availability and make reservations with ease.

Comprehensive Calendar Views
See the big picture with options to view staff members' schedules, including breaks, as well as facility bookings.

Spa management calendar view in compact mode
Latest posts

Read more about spa software in our blog

Tips, guides, industry best practices, and news.
Maximizing Spa Revenue Management

Maximizing Spa Revenue Management

Spa management software is a vital tool for spa revenue management. It streamlines operations, enhances the guest experience, and provides critical insights that drive revenue growth. It acts as your digital ally, simplifying operations, centralizing spa-related information, and ensuring a seamless experience for guests and staff.
Spa Marketing Software for better Outreach

How Spa Marketing Software Can Revolutionize Your Customer Outreach

Spa marketing software is revolutionizing the way spas connect with their clientele, harnessing technology to offer more personalized and efficient service offerings. When consumer expectations are higher than ever, these digital tools serve as the linchpin for spas aiming to not only meet but exceed these demands.

Are you ready to take your spa and hotel services to the next level?

icon checkmark
Accept spa booking or other service booking via website or app
Send booking notifications via email and SMS
One system connected to your PMS
All of the information is in one, single place.
Stay in Control
A list view of all reservations makes it easy to manage bookings, track guest information, and monitor booking status.
Advanced Filters
Utilize advanced filters to precisely track and analyze your spa's performance.
Analytics and Insights
Get an overview of all bookings and revenues for any chosen period. Use data to make informed decisions and drive your spa's success.
Put Your Services in the Spotlight
Create a user-friendly calendar to showcase your services on your website or guest app. Customize fonts and styles to match your brand.
Templates for Convenience
Our system offers templates to streamline your spa management tasks, including options for custom fonts and styling.

Discover the possibilities of Crqlar SPA software & Hotel Services today, and transform your wellness operations into a world-class experience for the guests at your hotel.

Read more about the benefits of using spa management software in our blog.
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Our connectors to the most widely used PMS solutions, enable seamless integration of data from various tools.
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Know your customer and automate all your communications, ads, and marketing efforts.

Know your customer and automate all your communications, ads, and marketing efforts.

Get a 360 view of your customer and know exactly when and how to help them.

Drive customers and revenue through your online store and automate your back office so you can work less.

Ensure your fulfillment center and supply chain is moving products at lightspeed and with 100% accuracy.